Monday, December 29, 2008

Tick, tick, tick. He takes another drag on his cigarette.

Standing outside the coffeeshop, under a lamp with all the other cigarette smokers, he realizes he's killing his body. He hates the habit, and sees that it has become just that. Something we just "do" without thinking about what it is we're doing.

The smoke hits his nostrils, and a young woman, a bit pudgy, brunette and very pretty, warns, "It's a little chilly out here, isn't it chief?"

"A little. Do you ever think about why you're doing what you're doing right now?"

"What do you mean?"


We have habits. Little ticks that drive our actions. Its like clock-work. Even though we realize that the habit has become obsolete and useless, we continue to do it.

Its hard to change. Sometimes, extremely hard to change. My own weed-smoking habit had become more of a habit in the most recent times. I would go out, take a drive and smoke a joint, just because it was a normal day for me. Its what I did.

Things like bitching at people in traffic, even though you know they can't do a THING about going any fast. They think they're being safe. You think they're being ridiculous.

So much in this world is conflicting. And its important just to realize even that. Just knowing makes it a lot easier.

Another tiny tiny tiny little inkdot of insight. I saw the cars today. A lot were alike. A lot were different.

Much love,


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